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Shipping inside Greece is provided by Speedex or ACS Courier, with the amount of €2,91 for any t-shirt quantities +1,86 € for Cash on Delivery.
Provided that we deliver your order to the courier company, it will take 1-3 business days for each order shipped within Greece. However, if the destination is a remote area, there is a possibility of an additional delivery time of 1-2 business days.
The cost of international Shipping is fixed at 8 € (without Tracking Number)* or 11€ (with Tracking Number) for any international destination**.
International packages are sent by us within 1-3 days via Hellenic Post – ELTA and are received by the customer within an estimated time range of 1-3 weeks***.
*IMPORTANT: TKT is not responsible for any delays or non-delivery of products shipped without Tracking Number, thus has no financial compensation obligation to the customer in the above mentioned cases.
**Please note that custom fees and additional charges may be applied to international customers outside the EU.
***Delays may also occur if kept in the customs offices of the country. If this happens the estimated delivery time may go up to 4-5 weeks. Contact your local customs office for more info.
Shipping Option | Delivery Time | Cost |
Shipping inside Greece (online payment) | 1-3 Business Days (1-5 Business Days for remote areas) | 2,91€ - FREE for orders over 40€ |
Shipping Inside Greece (Cash on Delivery) | 1-3 Business Days (1-5 Business Days for remote areas) | 4,77€ - 1,86€ for orders over 40€ |
Shipping Outside Greece (without Tracking Number) | 1-3 Weeks | 8,00 € |
Shipping Outside Greece (with Tracking Number) | 1-3 Weeks | 11,00 € |